
Although our cartoonists draw about a wide range of issues, some subjects get a lot of ink. On this page, you can find the collections we have created about these subjects, grouping together some of our favorite cartoons that provide different perspectives and global coverage.



Double (refugee) standard

Europe opens arms to Ukrainian refugees, but borders remain closed to refugees from other countries, leading some to conclude that Europe is only open to refugees with blond hair and blue eyes.


Russia invades Ukraine

Russia has started a war against Ukraine. Our cartoonists respond.


Protests in Canada

For weeks, Truckers and other protesters have gathered in Canada's capital to protest vaccination rules and corona restrictions. In response to the 'freedom convoy' blocking the city, Ottowa has declared a state of emergency.


The cost of war

Conflicts around the world cost the lives of thousands and wounding many more, while the lives thousands and thousands more are disrupted by violence. A collection of cartoons that visualizes the true cost of war.


Xi and Vlad

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jingping met at the opening of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games to discuss their mutual geopolitical interests.


Apartheid state Israel

Following Human rights Watch, Amnesty International has now also labeled Israel's treatment of Palestinians apartheid.


Winter in refugee camps

Refugees face hash winter conditions in refugees camps across northwestern Syria and neighbouring Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey.


Beijing 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing. The games are threatened by corona outbreaks and by a diplomatic boycott of several countries because of China’s continuing human rights violations.


Novak Djokovic

Tennis player Novak Djokovic has had his visa to enter Australia revoked on his arrival in Melbourne, amid a huge backlash over a vaccine exemption.


Party animal Boris

Boris Johnson attended and organized several parties at Downing Street 10 during the lockdown. He is now facing calls from senior Tories to stand down as prime minister.



A collection of cartoons about the acquisition of consumer goods and material wealth.



Large-scale popular unrest in Kazakhstan this week has lead to deadly clashes between protesters and state forces. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has called for the help of Russian troops to end the protests.