
Although our cartoonists draw about a wide range of issues, some subjects get a lot of ink. On this page, you can find the collections we have created about these subjects, grouping together some of our favorite cartoons that provide different perspectives and global coverage.




Several countries around the world are faced with outbreaks of monkeypox, a visus normally confined to Central and West Africa.


Al Jazeera reporter shot by Israli forces

Israeli forces have killed Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh. She was covering an Israeli army raid on the Jenin refugee camp when she was shot in the face.


Russia celebrates Victory Day

Victory Day is the annual celebration marking victory over the Nazis in World War Two. It has taken on added significance as Russia's war in Ukraine falters.


Victory for Macron

Emmanuel Macron has won five more years as France's president after a  victory over rival Marine Le Pen.


Marine Le Pen

A collection of cartoons about French far-right politician Marine Le Pen.



Policital cartoons meet painted eggs, bunnies and Jesus in this collection about Easter.


Macron versus Le Pen

French President Emmanuel Macron’s bid for reelection will culminate in another race against National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen, after they were the top two choices from a large field of contenders in Sunday’s first round of voting.



A collection of cartoons about what the World Health Organisation considers to be a fundamental human right: the enjoyment of health. A right that many people around the world still lack.


Russian war crimes

Shocking images of civilian bodies in the streets of Bucha, near Kyiv, have led to an outpouring of international condemnation of Russia


The cost of living

Energy, food and housing, they are all getting more and more expensive due to the war in Ukraine and high inflation.



Yemen remains the world's worst humanitarian crisis with nearly 80% or more than 24 million of its people needing humanitarian assistance and protection and more than 13 million in danger of starving to death, according to the UN.


Russia-Ukraine negotiations

While the Russian invasion continues, Ukraine and Russia are also conducting negotiations. But is it possible to reason with Vladimir Putin?


Media focus on Ukraine

The attack on Ukraine is dominating global headlines. Our cartoonists ask why other violent conflicts have received less media attention?